

In this post, I am going to create another page in my lab report repository, like I did for lab report 1 and 2, and write my report here.

The group question I’m working on is streamling the ssh configuration. I have relevant screenshots listed below supporting my statements.

I open my home directory, selected my respective drive and opened the ssh folder from the user section.

In the ssh folder, I created a file named config. I edited the file using vscode, made an alias name which was - cse -

I also entered my username which was cs15lwi22aeh, so that from the next time onwards, I do not have to write the entire thing like ssh cs15lwi22aeh@ieng6.ucsd.edu and instead we can just write ssh and then the alias which is cse in this case.

Below is the image of what the config file contains and he respective changes made to it. It may be noted that all the editing has been done offline in VScode itself.


As one can see, I have made an alias under the name cse.

Let us now see whether it is working properly or not. For that instead of writing the entire thing like

ssh cs15lwi22aeh@ieng6.ucsd.edu

we will just write ssh and then the alias which is cse in this case.

Below is a screenshot provided where we try to do the above.


As one can see, I have successfully logged into the system using just the ssh command with just the alias name which is cse.

The next step is to see whether we can successfully copy a file or not after using the alias name.

Below is the screenshot where I successfully copy the file in the system.


As one can see we copied the second-test.md file and moreover to confirm that it is copied I use the ls command, as shown below to verify that the file exists within the server.


Let us now check the time difference between the two commands.

The new command which is

ssh cse

is significantly faster (15 seconds faster) than the older command which is

ssh cs15lwi22aeh@ieng6.ucsd.edu

Also the number of keystrokes is significantly lesser(23 characters lesser)